Here is the break down for day one:
Ride length: 45 miles.
12pm departure from Waltervillie (just outside of Eugene OR) to McKenzie Bridge. Our friend Davin drove us from Portland to Waltervillie whom we got to wax esoterically with on the car ride down.
Camped out at Paradise Campground which was technically 8 miles further up the road from the very small town of McKenzie Bridge.
Some of the highlights were: The AWESOME tail wind the whole day!! Our speed was crazy considering we were totally loaded down for touring. The first stop to rest was at the Scott Kelley outdoor metal sculpture garden. So many neat-o statues and buildings all erected from metal. Here is a sampling:

Our next really fantastic moments were finding the covered bridge crossing over the unbelievably blue McKenzie River and....the Nimrod sign. Nimrod is a really, really small town in OR. And here's the proof:

And wow look, there are two wild NW Nimrods near the sign. : )
Next was the very necessary cheese burger (no bun for me) and milk shake at 3pm or so. Temps were around 95 at that point.
Coming in closer to our campsite for the eve both Justin and I belted out verses from "Almost Paradise" off the Footloose sound track. OH the 80' power ballads ever created. Link: Almost Paradise just in case you want to torture yourself a little. Other wise here is the chorus:
"Almost Paradise, were looking on Heaven's door, Almost Paradise, how could we ask for more. I swear that I could see forever in your eyes....Paradise....."
We finally rolled in to an exceptionally lovely spot, the tempatures cooling down quickly as the light was beginning to fade. Justin got our tent up even though our ground cover had finally quit us, as I got dinner ready. After dinner we had a chance to wonder around a little. Here is what we saw:
After that we curled up and fell asleep cuddling. Now how can you beat that....except that we got up the next morning and did it all over again. Next post coming soon....
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